2018年5月18日 易谷网络在上海召开——金融行业智能服务与营销研讨会

开启智能联络时代 携手金服应用创新 5月18日由易谷网络、GENESYS、平安金服及平安科技共同举办的 “2018金融行业智能服务与营销研讨会”在上海召开来自业界的诸多专家向与会者分享了在金融客服智能化领域的实践和思考快随小编一起看看本次研讨会上专家们的精彩观点吧“智能联络 应用创新”人工智能应用创新为企业客服构建全新的智能触点 ——易谷网络产品首席执行官王鸿冰先生...Details

2018年4月12日 易谷网络COO岳欣先生参加CTI论坛演讲


2018年1月20日 易谷网络在上海举办主题为——无限联络 极致体验客户大会

Shanghai,2018年1月20日——上海易谷网络股份有限公司日前携手业界顶尖合作伙伴在上海成功举办主题为:"Unlimited contacts,极致体验”的客户大会来自全国各地的200余位客户、Partners、投资人学术界及咨询界的专家教授、Big shot,齐聚一堂共同探讨互联网+时代下的客户体验会议的各项安排得到与会嘉宾客户的一致好评取得圆满成功大会现场 随着云计算大数据以及社交媒体的兴起传统的通信模式企业和客户交互...Details

Easy Valley network to attend the 2017 China customer experience Innovation Conference


Easy Valley intelligence contact experience center ushered in the first experience customers

Easy Valley network joint industry professional manufacturers、Big shot,Discuss and build the overall architecture and solution of the intelligent contact center in the Internet Era,Lasted 4 months, in Jinsha Road 568, block A, 6 floor to build a new generation of intelligence communication experience center, today ushered in the first batch of experience customers Jiangxi。 From finance、Insurance、Online retailers、Customers visiting several industries, such as aviation,From customer、Seat、Controller、Policy makers multi angle experience full media intelligence contact scheme。 Experience the content of the customer's multimedia, multi-channel contact;Intelligent navigation、Interaction between artificial intelligence and customers;Online guidance and empowerment of seats;Site management...Details

Minimalist,Anticipation,Participation--experienced customer contact in the age of practice

Valley network technology in Shanghai Yue Xin, co-founder, Chief Operating Officer of the company to attend 2016 China call center and corporate communications Conference and delivered a keynote speech to the minimalist,Anticipation,Participation–Customer contact practice in the era of experience。Speech time:415th(Friday),10:30 -11:00 。 Speaker introduction:Xin Yue。Shanghai Valley Network Technology Co., Ltd., chief operating officer of one of the founders of the company, MBA degree,20Years of communications experience,In the enterprise voice Exchange,Unified Communications and contact center solution ....Details

Easy Valley Network "unlimited contacts,The ultimate experience "customer experience exchange meeting was held successfully

2016January 8,China won the 2015 Best Partner Award:"Unlimited contacts,The ultimate experience "customer experience seminar,Valley networks are adhering to the "liaison to the world,Cohesion value of mission ",Make every communication all values,Each time the service aim of the effort is the ultimate experience,Guests at the meeting to listen to the voices from the forefront of the industry、Experience the ultimate experience of communication,This is an industry event,It is also a gathering of all the people who look forward to。     ...Details